Welcome to site of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Research Group (MENT).
MENT conducts social scientific research primarily in the field of mental health and general well-being, using a bio-psychosocial approach.
Brussels Health Campus | Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, department of Public Health | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, 1090 Jette, Brussels
Op 10 oktober stonden we bij hashtagMENT extra stil bij mentale gezondheid op hashtagđź’š
We deelden groene lintjes - het symbool voor mentale gezondheid - uit aan studenten en collega's op de Health Campus van Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Daarnaast vierden we bij hashtagMENT ook de 10e verjaardag van de onderzoeksgroep! 🤩 Het onderzoek naar mentale gezondheid en mentaal welzijn blijft van belang. Op naar de volgende 10 jaar!
English version:
On 10 October, we at hashtagMENT gave extra attention to mental health on hashtag đź’š
We handed out green ribbons - the symbol for mental health - to students and colleagues at the Health Campus of Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
We also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the research group at hashtagMENT! 🤩 Research on mental health and mental well-being continues to be important. On to the next 10 years!
Met trots kunnen we melden dat Josephine Paul haar doctoraatsthesis over het voeren van dialoog in een culinaire omgeving met adolescenten die angst ervaren met succes heeft verdedigd!
Josephine werd begeleid door prof. dr. Johan Bilsen (MENT) en Lara Vesentini (MENT).
đź‘Ź Proficiat Dr. Josephine Paul!
English version:
🎓 We are proud to announce that Josephine Paul successfully defended her PhD thesis on dialogic space in a culinary setting for adolescents facing anxiety!
Josephine was supervised by prof. dr. Johan Bilsen (MENT) and Lara Vesentini (MENT).
đź‘Ź Congratulations to Dr. Josephine Paul!
Dr. Dennis Demedts Successfully Defends PhD on Euthanasia in Unbearable Mental Suffering
We are proud to announce that our colleague Dennis Demedts has successfully defended his PhD thesis on euthanasia in unbearable mental suffering (UMS)!
This study examined Belgian euthanasia legislation and the crucial role of nurses in UMS-euthanasia. The attitudes, and perceptions of future role, skills and knowledge of final-year nursing students were identified, highlighting the need for comprehensive education on end-of-life care. Dennis was supervised by prof. dr. Johan Bilsen (MENT).
Congratulations to Dr. Dennis Demedts!
The scientific publications relating to this study can be found here.

BAPH Symposium
On Friday June 14, 2024, the Belgian Association for Public Health (BAPH) is organizing, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the symposium: Tackling inequities in public health.

Registration is open!
More information:https://www.baph.be/2023/10/baph-symposium-2024/
Belgian Mental Health Research Hackaton
The first Belgian Mental Health Research Hackaton will take place in Leuven on September 12 and 13. The hackathon is organized by esteemed experts from Ghent University, UCLouvain, Sciensano, UAntwerpen, ULB, and KU Leuven.
Throughout the hackathon, multiple collaborative sessions will be hosted where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge to brainstorm ideas, address specific challenges, and innovate within the realms of building theory, methodologies, research impact, network development, and open science.
For more information: https://www.baph.be/2024/04/belgian-mental-health-research-hackaton/

Vacancy PhD fellowship Academie voor de Eerste Lijn (PROMENT)
Click here for more information.
Nieuwsbericht DIAMENT (News about DIAMENT)
DIAMENT Project Presented at the Inaugural Diabetes Liga Research Symposium
Wednesday 29 November 2023 marked a significant milestone for our research team as doctoral researcer Riet Anciaux had the opportunity to present the DIAMENT project at the first-ever research symposium organized by the Diabetes Liga. This event, dedicated to empowering individuals with diabetes, extended beyond the boundaries of medical treatment, focusing on a holistic approach to diabetes care.
Throughout the day, discussions and presentations revolved around the theme “Empowering Persons with Diabetes: A Journey Beyond Medical Treatment,” reflecting the latest advancements and interdisciplinary collaborations in diabetes research and management. It was an event that not only highlighted cutting-edge research but also underscored the importance of a comprehensive approach to diabetes, emphasizing the empowerment of those living with the condition.
We extend our gratitude to the Diabetes Liga, MENT, and VUB for their support and collaboration in making this symposium a success. The participation of our research group in such pioneering events is a testament to our commitment to advancing knowledge and interventions in the field of diabetes care.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) on mental health in Brugada Syndrome
In a recent study published in the high-quality journal Europace (Q1), Dr. Stefaan Six and colleagues have provided critical insights into the psychosocial challenges faced by patients with Brugada Syndrome (BrS), a hereditary arrhythmic disease. Utilizing a multi-instrument approach involving 209 patients, the study found elevated levels of mental distress and a higher prevalence of Type D personality among BrS patients compared to the general population. These findings highlight the urgent need to incorporate mental health screenings into the standard care protocol for BrS. The full article is available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/europace/euad205.

World Mental Health Day Conference
In recognition of World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2023, Prof. Johan Bilsen participated in the European Commission's topical conference, which focused on a comprehensive EU approach that prioritizes sound mental health for all. The event was moderated by Belle de Jong and featured high-profile speakers such as Her Majesty the Queen of the Belgians, Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, and Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgian Minister of Social Affairs. A broad range of perspectives was encapsulated in the conference, from policy makers to patient advocates, providing an interdisciplinary platform to discuss vital topics in mental health.

11th European Conference on Mental Health
The 11th edition of the European Conference on Mental Health took place from September 13-15, 2023 at Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Dr. Stefaan Six was a speaker at the conference and presented his work on "Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) on mental health and psychosocial factors in patients with Brugada syndrome".

Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association
The Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association took place from May 20-24, 2023 at San Francisco. The theme this year was “Innovate, collaborate, motivate: charting the future of mental health”.
Dr. Lara Vesentini contributed to this international conference, by presenting two posters: “Intimate and Sexual feelings in Psychotherapy: Educational Topic or Still Taboo?” and “Managing Romantic and Sexual Feelings Towards Clients in the Psychotherapy Room in Flanders (Belgium)”.

New publication in Journal of Mental Health
We are pleased to share that MENT has recently published an article in the esteemed Journal of Mental Health (Q2). Titled 'Intimate and Sexual Feelings in Psychotherapy: Educational Topic or Still Taboo?', this work delves into an important aspect of psychotherapy. The study's results reveal that a significant number of psychotherapists have expressed that addressing intimate and sexual feelings towards their clients was not adequately covered during their training, and the topic continues to carry a certain level of taboo. For those interested in exploring this topic further, we invite you to access the article through the following link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09638237.2023.2210652
17th World Congress on Public Health upcoming!
From 2 till 6 May the 17th edition of the World Congress on Public Health will be held in Rome, Italy. Check the program at https://wcph.org/
Our very own Prof. Johan Bilsen will be chairing several sessions at the conference and is looking forward to the occasion. Make sure to stay tuned for more news to come...
weKONEKT.brussel is the VUB’s initiative to connect our university, and its students and staff, to Brussels. Through various initiatives and events they aim to foster this bond. One of their initiatives are the weKONEKT.wellbeing tables in which they bring together students to discuss and exchange topics regarding wellbeing. This year, the VUB organized these tables for the third time on 28 March 2023 together with Pilar in the framework of their ASAP Festival The sexual feeling/healing. Dr. Lara Vesentini and Prof. Johan Bilsen were invited as experts to join students in their conversations and help to guide them.
The Primary Care Academy
The interdisciplinary chair is held by Professor Patricia De Vriendt.
Ment is part of the consortium and leads the research department on mental health for young people in collaboration with University of Antwerp and Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
More information here.
Some pictures of the kick-off event...