Mathieu Versee
Dr. Mathieu Versée is Visiting Professor in the Department of Public Health at VUB. He is a Medical Doctor specialized in occupational health (occupational health physician) as well as sports medicine. He is member of the Belgian Association for Occupational Medicine (BBvAg) and a board member of the Flemish Association for Occupational Medicine (VWVA) where he is the Scientific Coordinator. He is also member of the Belgian Ergonomic Society (BES), the Flemish Ergonomics Association (VErV) and the Belgian Society for Occupational Hygiene (BSOH). He is also a deputy board member at the CoPrev Medical Commission (CoPrev = the association of Belgian external services for prevention and protection at work). Prof. Mathieu Versée has coached several junior occupational health physicians in obtaining their master dissertation. He has published about 100 accessible yet high level articles in the field of occupational medicine and wellbeing at work. He has written a wide range of teaching material with the purpose of accompanying companies and institutions in their well-being at work obligations. He teaches occupational medicine and well-being at work related subjects at university level (work organization, management skills, communication skills, good practices in occupational medicine, occupational medicine & well-being at work legislation) as well as at university college level. He has acquired substantial field-experience as occupational and preventive health physician and management in diverse national and international settings (European Commission,…), and continues to do so as Scientific Director (Knowledge Director & board member) of a major Belgian external service for prevention and protection at work (Cohezio) where he assists 150 occupational health doctors as well as more or less 80 prevention advisors in the field of occupational psychology, - hygiene, ergonomics and safety at work.
Gebouw K
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Brussels