Peter Delobelle
Peter Delobelle (MD PhD FRSPH) is a medical doctor with over fifteen years of experience in public health research, teaching and service delivery in resource poor settings. His research interests are health policy and systems, health promotion, systems science, implementation research and knowledge management. Peter is a senior researcher at the University of Cape Town Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa (CDIA) and Senior Lecturer in Health Promotion at the University of Western Cape School of Public Health. He is the local project manager of a EUH2020 funded multicentre trial conducted in partnership with Karolinska Institute, Sweden and Makerere University, Uganda, and actively engaged in the Collaboration for Evidence-Based Healthcare & Public Health in Africa (CEBHA+). He supervises several PhD students and is a member of the Public Health Association of South Africa Special Interest Group on Health Promotion and the Health Promotion Development Foundation Network; International Union for Health Promotion & Education Working Group on Healthy Settings; Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Process Evaluation Working Group; and Health Systems Global. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health in the UK and Associate Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Department of Public Health, where he teaches global health promotion and disease prevention and essential skills in global health in the new MSc in Global Health.
Gebouw K
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Brussels