Roel Van Overmeire
Roel Van Overmeire (1991) obtained a master’s degree in sociology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), and a master’s degree in EU-studies at the Universiteit Gent. In December 2017, he started his PhD at the Mental Health and Wellbeing research group (MENT) at the VUB under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Reginald Deschepper and Prof. Dr. Johan Bilsen. During his PhD trajectory, he was involved in several other research projects. He participated in the Big Bird Trial, an interuniversity project sponsored by the KCE on the discontinuation of benzodiazepine-use in Belgium. He was also involved in a study on mental health among funeral directors and he conducted research for Awel, a youth helpline in Flanders. Furthermore, he taught several scientific and methodological topics for Medicine, Biomedicine and Pharmacy students at the VUB.
He is (co-)author of over twenty scientific articles, has performed almost forty peer-reviews, is author of two reports and has presented his work at two international conferences. He also co-supervised two master theses and three bachelor theses to completion at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy at the VUB. Finally, he is member of the EU centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism and the Belgian Public Health Association.
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