Sabien Bauwens
Sabien Bauwens (°1964) graduated as a clinical psychologist in1987 at the University of Ghent.
After a short passage as scientific collaborator at the Center for Population and Family studies (CBGS), from1989 she became assistant at the department of medical psychology at the Medical Faculty of the UGent, where she focused on neuropsychology and postconcussional complaints after head injury. During the same period, she also had a private practice mainly focused on eating disorders.
Since 1993, she worked in the field of oncology, palliative care and end-of-life care. She started as a young psychologist in the Supportive and Palliative Care Department at UZ Brussel where she supported patients with oncological and/or palliative diseases and their relatives. The needs she experienced every day in her clinical practice soon motivated her to put her shoulders to the wheel of various organizations that support citizens in a dignified end of life (such as TOPAZ, Omega, the Forum, Network Palliative Care Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde and also LEIF).
She is also co-founder of the CHi (Cédric-Hèle Institute, Flemish Institute for Psychosocial Oncology) located in Mechelen and where she is member in the executive board for 20 years. The last year she has been working within LEIF '(Life End Information Forum) and w.e.m.m.e.l., center of expertise Dignified End of Life.
She is the author of several scientific publications in the field of psychosocial oncology and palliative care (a.o. on screening on distress) and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal 'PEILER', where she writes the scientific rubric 'PEILER'.
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette